HR Performance
Management & Assessments


When properly combined with business strategy and goal setting process, it provides valuable information to individuals, teams, and the whole organization about what should be changed and evolved in the field of people management and leadership, to achieve high performance and develop a continuous improvement culture.

Independently of the size, the sector and the products / services of the organizations, the systematic and appropriate implementation of HR performance management and continues review in a frame of open dialogue, reliability and transparency,  enhances people empowerment and engagement .

Types of HR Performance Management
and Assessment Approaches

  • Integrated Performance Management Systems.
  • Structured and in depth, competency based interviews.
  • Assessment & Development Centers, an integrated validated methodology based on a variety and complementary simulation evaluation tools (business case studies, role-playing, in-tray exercises, negotiation exercises etc.
  • 360º Evaluation Model, based on the concept of multisource feedback (supervisor-peers-subordinates).

The above approaches are adjusted to the special characteristics, needs and culture of each organization and can be used separately or in a combination suitable for the organization

Our Approach

Provide consultancy to the organization for selecting the suitable HR Performance Management approach(es)
 Integrate the HR Performance Management process with goal setting process and bonus systems
 Develop the special “set of competencies” for each organization and the relevant review process
 Select and implement well-established tests and assessment tools of competencies’ identification and measurement
 Use innovative tools and methods for Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) approach in in-depth interviews and assessment centers.
 Adopt Total Quality Management (TQM) principles 
 Use digital platforms for data processing, where required
 Provide a specialized Assessment Report per individual, which also reflects directions for improvement and further development


HR Performance Management and Assessments offers:
A systems approach in people development.
A framework for monitoring performance, measuring improvement, and planning for excellence.
Development of a culture of meritocracy, positivity, and trust among all people in the organization.
Reliable inputs for training and development processes.
Convenience when organizational changes and promotions are implemented.
Succession Planning and talent identification.
Get In Touch

With us!

We will be glad to empower you with our services.

9, Pournara str
151 24 Marousi

Athens, Greece
+30 210 6015600

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    Get In Touch

    With us!

    We will be glad to empower you with our services.

    9, Pournara str
    151 24 Marousi

    Athens, Greece
    +30 210 6015600

              I have taken note of the terms of use of the website and the Privacy Policy and I agree to receive emails and newsletters by EVERGROW.